Biography Book Report Form


Due: Spring

For your next book report, you are to read a biography. A biography is a
story about a person's life. You may choose any famous or well known person
to read about. Please have your book checked by Mrs. Kajszo.
In your report be sure to include the following information. It will be
graded on the following 20 point scale. Do not skip lines between paragraphs.
Your sentences should be interesting; use adjectives, adverbs, and rich 

I. Paragraph 1-Introductory Paragraph (minimum of 3 sentences)
A. Tell the name of your book and the author. Your sentence may not
start with,
"The name of my book is", or "My book is..." 2 points
B. Tell who your book was about and tell why they were famous. 2 points
II. Paragraph 2- Description of your Famous Person (minimum of 3 sentences.)
A. Tell when and where he or she was born and tell about an event in his
or her early life. 3 points
III. Paragraph 3- Information about your famous person (minimum of 3 
A. Tell three to four interesting facts or amusing stories about his or
her life. 3 points
B. Give more detail about why they were famous. Explain what they
accomplished as a famous person. 1 point
IV. Concluding Paragraph-this should sum up your report. (minimum of 3 
A. Restate your famous person's name.
B. Tell what you learned about this person. 1 point

Additional points will be given for:
Sentences Written Clearly 2 points
Correct grammar and punctuation 2 points
Name on report, book was checked 2 points
Neatness 1 point
Visual aide 1 point
On _______ come ready to present your report to the class. Bring a
visual aide to enhance your presentation. It could be a picture of your
famous person or anything that relates to his or her life. Please limit your
talk to 2-3 minutes (You may not read this presentation but you may bring
index cards with notes to assist you.) Practice your presentation at home.
*Challenge: Read about your person from a 2nd source. List 3 to 5 more facts.
What personality traits does your character have? Do you think these traits
helped him/her become famous? Which of these traits do you have or would you
like to have? 5 points

Biography Book Report
Graded on the following 20 point scale
I. Introductory paragraph
A. Tell the name of your book and the author. 2 points _____
B. Tell who your book was about and why they were famous. 2 points_____
II. Description of your famous person's life-Body paragraphs
A. Tell when and where he or she was born and tell about an event in his or
her early life. 3 points _____
B. Tell three to four interesting facts or amusing stories about his or her
life. 3 points ____
C. Give details about why they were famous, what did they accomplish as a
famous person? 1 point _____
III. Concluding Paragraph
___A. Restate your famous person's name.
___B. Tell what you learned about this person. 1 point ______

Additional points will be given for:

___Sentences written clearly 2 points
___Correct grammar and punctuation 2 points
___Name on report, book was checked 2 points
___Neatness 1 point
___Visual aide 1 point
___Challenge points 5 points

Total _____________
Written Grade _________
Oral Grade __________