Challenge Biography Book Report Form


Challenge Book Report

Due Date: Spring
Oral presentations will begin on _______
1. Select a biography.
2. All books must have teacher's approval.
3. Complete a five-paragraph report.
4. Address all of the items in this guide.
5. All reports must be typed, double spaced.
Paragraph One should include the following items: book title, author, the full name of the person on whom 
the book focuses, the reason(s) this person is famous (in a general way), the person's birthplace and
specific birth (and death) dates. You may not say,My book is..." or "The name of my book is..." 7 points Paragraph Two should include this person's important contributions in their particular fields and at least
three interesting facts about his/her life. Also, include how the world would be different had this person not
made their accomplishments. 5 points Paragraph Three should focus on the most serious problem this person encountered. Furthermore, show
how this person was able to or not able to overcome this obstacle. 3 points Paragraph Four should include at least three qualities you admire about this person. Discuss ways in
which you could try to copy this person's actions, words and/or personality. In contrast, mention aspects
of this person's life that you would not wish to experience and why. 5 points Paragraph Five should include what surprised you about this person's life. Go on to mention the most
interesting and the least favorite parts of the book. Finally, state your opinion of the book by referring to
specific sections. 5 points Additional points will be given for: Sentences written clearly, 5 paragraph format- 6 points Correct grammar and punctuation- 2 points Name on report and book was checked- 2 points Neatness- 1 point Visual aide- 1 point Notes- 3 points Be responsible. Follow all directions and make sure you check the due date. Your notes must be turned in with your typed report. On _______ come ready to present your report to the class. Bring a visual aide to enhance your presentation.
It could be a picture of your famous person, anything that relates to his or her life, or dress in a costume/prop
representative of him/her. Please limit your talk to 2-3 minutes. (You may not read this presentation, but you
may bring index cards with notes to assist you.) Practice your presentation at home. GRADING RUBRIC Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Challenge Biography Book Report Grading Rubric Grading will be on a 40 point scale Paragraph 1- 7 points ______ Paragraph 2- 5 points ______ Paragraph 3- 3 points ______ Paragraph 4- 5 points ______ Paragraph 5- 5 points ______ Sentences written clearly, 5 paragraph format - 6 points ______ Correct grammar and punctuation- 2 points ______ Name on report and book was checked- 2 points ______ Neatness- 1 point ______ Visual aide- 1 point ______ Notes- 3 points ______ Total ________ Written Grade______ Oral Presentation _____